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Our Perspective on Missionaries and Missions:

MSS firmly places its loyalty with Christ and His Church and not with MSS as a human institution. We do not exist for the sake of self-perpetuation, but rather to be used by God how, when and for what period of time that He is pleased to have us.

Missionary service is a calling, not a career. In human for-profit corporations, the applicants for a job as well as the employer often deem it a privilege for the employee to be hired by the company. This perspective just does not have a place in God’s economy of building his kingdom. It is a privilege for missionaries to be called by God and given a part in his work. It is to Him they are indebted. But we do not think it is a privilege for missionaries to be working with MSS.

To the contrary, we feel a great privilege to be entrusted with the care and administrative support of missionaries whom God has called and entrusted to be His ambassadors. We delight in the part of God’s Work that he has given us.

So our mission as an organization is merely to be a part of what God is doing, as the Lord is willing. We are partners with the missionary, and partners with the churches to facilitate them sending out those who are called.